Gesunde Ernährung:
Mehr Lebensqualität
für Kinder und Eltern
Made Simple
Ravensburg Area
Mein Name ist Andreas, Gründer von Happyfoodhabits und die helfende Hand auf deinem Weg zur Gesundheit.
- Erfahre wie sich deine Kinder besser konzentrieren können, um Lernschwierigkeiten zu lösen.
- Finde heraus wie du Akne und Übergewicht bei Kindern aber auch Erwachsenen effektiv bekämpfst.
- Lerne, wie du Verspannungen im Nacken und Rücken vorbeugst und Entzündungen reduzierst.
- Entdecke wie du Bluthochdruck positiv beeinflussen und Karies sowie Allergien lindern kannst.
Ich will dir nichts vormachen: Vor allem die Probleme von Erwachsenen benötigen einige Wochen Geduld. Aber sie lassen sich mit dem Wissen Anderer lösen, die ähnliche Herausforderungen bereits gemeistert haben. Dafür habe ich dir diese Checkliste mit den wichtigsten Punkten erstellt.
Well-being in a healthy body is the necessary foundation for a healthy mind.
Der Weg zur Gesundheit führt nicht durch die Apotheke sondern die Küche.
Sleep well, start the day energized, boost your immune system, improve concentration, . . .
Due to numerous requests from my consulting clients, in 2023 I created a compact and as easy-to-understand as possible basics guide in the form of an animated and interactive presentation:
- Helps you achieve your nutrition goals step by step in the shortest time possible.
- Based on current studies and recommendations from nutritionists, the DGE, and the WHO
- Is compactly summarized and written in an easily understandable way
- Theory explained with numerous examples
- Without supplements or superfoods
- Results noticeable after just a few weeks
Get an overview before purchasing the guide by downloading my free checklist.
- 90 pages of animated interactive PowerPoint (also available as a readable PDF)
- Compact foundational knowledge linked with recipes and sample meal days
Guide content
- The different types of sugar.
- Supply of all essential fatty acids.
- Intake of sufficient high-quality protein.
- All about a balanced ratio of acidic and alkaline foods.
- Supply of all essential vitamins and minerals through a natural diet. Including carotenoids and B12 for vegans.
- Drug residues, pesticides, additives, plastic and environmental toxins.
- Portion sizes and meal times.
- Easy to read and understand
- Compactly summarized
- Animated Powerpoint / PDF
- With sample days and meals
- Also suitable for a tight budget
Vegan, vegetarian, and mixed diet with individual adjustments, such as dining out, allergies, or taste preferences.
Achieve your ideal weight, improve your skin, and experience many other benefits such as starting the day energized, boosting your immune system, enhancing concentration, reducing allergies, and more.
Efficiently and sustainably losing weight is an advantage of a diet that provides all essential nutrients, but it is by no means the only benefit.
Addition from the Happyfoodhabits team:
Manuela wrote this review about 5 months after our first contact.
Even though it took a few weeks, I’m totally happy with the results! Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is your question about the program not listed, or do you have questions about the foundational guide you’ve already purchased?
No problem! Send us an email, and we'll answer your question within a day.
Die wichtigste Grundlage fast aller gesundheitlichen Probleme ist das Reduzieren von isolierten Zuckerarten. In der Praxis bedeutet das z.B. Müsli nicht mit weißem Zucker sondern mit beispielsweise Ahornsirup zu süßen oder Fertigprodukte mit isolierten Zuckerarten gegen gesündere Optionen zu tauschen. Die isolierten Zuckerarten werden ausführlich im basics guide .
Both vegan, vegetarian, and mixed diets can have healthy and unhealthy forms. For starting a healthier diet, a vegetarian or mixed diet is recommended. These are easier to implement because they have fewer pitfalls than a vegan diet. For a vegan diet, you need in-depth knowledge about calcium, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, and the amino acids methionine, lysine, and tryptophan.
No, counting calories can initially be helpful to gauge the energy content of foods. However, over time, calorie counting becomes too time-consuming and impractical. What's more important is learning which foods contain empty calories foods that lack significant amounts of nutrients such as proteins, healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. Examples include white sugar, white bread, margarine, or most animal fats. These can then be replaced or reduced.
Superfoods are foods that have very high nutrient values. However, for marketing reasons, often only very specific and expensive foods are mentioned. When looking at the nutritional content alone, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, or yellow and red bell peppers could also be considered superfoods. For example, bell peppers are particularly high in vitamins A, C, and E. However, conventional foods are less profitable to sell.
The basics guide does not include supplements or special superfoods. The dietary tips in the guide are affordable for everyone.
Nein sollst du nicht. Getreide ist in den letzten Jahren in Verruf geraten, weil wir es angeblich nicht richtig verdauen können. Solange keine Störung der Bauchspeicheldrüse oder anderer Verdauungsorgane besteht und das Brot richtig gekaut wird, kann der Mensch komplexe Kohlenhydrate (Getreide) problemlos verdauen. Allerdings sind moderne Getreidearten wie Weizen oder Dinkel stark überzüchtet und haben deshalb ungünstigere Zusammensetzungen ihrer Proteine. Am besten verträglich sind deshalb ursprüngliche Getreidearten wie Kamut, Emmer (beide sind Urweizensorten) oder Einkorn (Urdinkel).
Fasting can help with weight loss, but it shouldn’t lead to severe deficiencies in proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The starting condition and duration of the fasting are crucial. Additionally, breaking the fast properly is essential to avoid the yo-yo effect. For most people, fasting is not suitable for these reasons and therefore not fully recommended.
Take the
first step
Hol dir die Checkliste und den Guide und beginne noch heute die Gesundheit von dir und deiner Familie zu verbessern!