
Due to numerous requests from my consulting clients, I wrote a compact and easy-to-understand basics guide in 2023, presented as an animated and interactive PowerPoint. The goal is to provide you and others with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of nutrition at an affordable price. The guide is based on the latest empirical studies, recommendations from the DGE (German Nutrition Society), and years of research by various nutrition scientists. Many of my previous clients now use the guide as a reference tool.

As long as you find my free checklist helpful, I'm confident that you have enough self-confidence to tackle your skin or weight issues independently using my basic guide. However, this doesn’t mean that all your problems will be resolved within a few days. Nutrition is indeed a comprehensive topic with many facets that need to be approached holistically for your success. The guide is written in an easy-to-understand manner and leads you step by step to your goal, with sample meals and example days.

With each step you implement, your skin will improve, and your body weight will normalize. Other side effects, such as a strengthened immune system, improved concentration, increased daily energy, relief from tension, and even a reduction in allergies, will also occur throughout the process.

Depending on individual predisposition, people may need different numbers of improvement steps, but everyone reaches their goal!

Part 1
Sugar, fat, protein

Basic knowledge about types of sugar, intake of all essential fatty acids, and consumption of sufficient high-quality protein.
Please note: Vegans require an additional consultation.

Price only

9,90 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

25 pages

Customer reviews:

Part 2
Acids and bases

Everything about achieving a balanced ratio of acidic and alkaline foods to avoid excess acidity in the body. 

Price only

4,40 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

10 pages

Customer reviews:

Part 3

Providing all essential vitamins through a natural diet, including vitamins A, C, E, K, D, all B vitamins including B12, and carotenoids.

Price only

6,90 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

15 pages

Customer reviews:

Part 4

Intake of all essential minerals with a special focus on calcium and magnesium, as well as trace elements such as copper, manganese, chromium, iron, fluoride, iodine, molybdenum, and selenium. 

Price only

8,90 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

25 pages

Customer reviews:

Part 5
Synthetic substances

This section covers the intake of drug residues, pesticides, additives, plastics, and environmental toxins that we unknowingly absorb through the air or our food. The topic of “portion sizes of our meals” is also included in this section.

Price only

3,90 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

10 pages

Customer reviews:

Guide content

  • The different types of sugar.
  • Supply of all essential fatty acids.
  • Intake of sufficient high-quality protein.
  • All about a balanced ratio of acidic and alkaline foods.
  • Supply of all essential vitamins and minerals through a natural diet. Including carotenoids and B12 for vegans.
  • Drug residues, pesticides, additives, plastic and environmental toxins.
  • Portion sizes and meal times.


19,90 €

Digital Guide as PDF / PowerPoint

90 pages

Customer reviews: