Sports and physics teacher / nutritionist

About me

As a nutritional sports scientist, I combine my in-depth knowledge of nutrition and my expertise in sports science to support people on their journey to a healthy lifestyle. With my holistic approach to nutrition and exercise, I help my clients to achieve their individual goals and increase their well-being.

My background is based on training as a nutritionist (see certificate below) and a degree in sports science, where I studied sports medicine, training science and performance optimization in depth. By specializing in nutritional science during my studies, I was able to expand my expertise and develop a holistic view of the importance of a balanced diet for athletic performance and general well-being. For me, this knowledge helped me to eliminate my acne problem, as well as my migraines and recurring stomach pains and food intolerances.

Whether you want to improve the appearance of your skin, lose weight, build muscle mass or simply improve your general state of health, I am at your side as an experienced consultant. With individual nutritional advice tailored to your needs, we will work together to develop a customized plan that is realistic, sustainable and effective.

As a sports scientist, it is important to me to keep up to date with the latest scientific research. I continuously keep up to date with the latest findings in the fields of nutrition and sport so that I can always provide my clients with up-to-date recommendations. Through regular further training and exchanges with other experts, I always strive to expand my knowledge and continuously improve my services.

Meine Arbeitsweise zeichnet sich durch Empathie, Professionalität und eine individuelle Betreuung aus. Ich lege großen Wert darauf, deine persönlichen Ziele und Bedürfnisse zu verstehen, um dich bestmöglich unterstützen zu können. –> Customer reviews

My ambition is to educate other people on the subject of nutrition in a scientifically correct way and thus enable them to find the easiest and shortest possible path to mental well-being and their desired body. Contact me to make an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.